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Accepting New Clients - No Waitlist 

Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, grief, or disrupted thoughts about past events?  Do you worry about the future, your ability to trust your own judgement, your parenting, your relationship with your partner, or your performance at work?  Do you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, stressed, exhausted, or shut down by the demands of getting through your day?  Do you wonder what life could be like if you didn't have to struggle so much?  I offer EMDR therapy for adults and teens to help you release the root cause of your distress and build your confidence that live your best life.      

Patty Hills | Certified EMDR Therapist | Registered Social Worker | Gorrie, ON

Safe & Effective
EMDR Therapy
for Adults & Teens 

Patty Hills | Certified EMDR Therapist | Registered Social Worker | Gorrie, ON
Patty Hills | Certified EMDR Therapist | Registered Social Worker | Gorrie, ON
Patty Hills | Certified EMDR Therapist | Registered Social Worker | Gorrie, ON
Patty Hills | Certified EMDR Therapist | Registered Social Worker | Gorrie, ON

About EMDR Therapy 

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a structured sensory based psychotherapy intervention that helps your brain to reprocess the distress associated with past negative lived experiences, to release the distress felt in your body, and to shift your associated negative belief about yourself to a more positive belief, and to build your skill and confidence that you can manage day to day challenges.  For more information about EMDR please check out the EMDR International Association Website at


Calming techniques for containment, calming, grounding, and mindfulness are taught and practiced.


I strive to offer a welcoming safe space where you can feel that your journey matters, your inner wisdom and resiliency is honoured and your privacy is protected.  My office is near Gorrie, where the counties of Huron, Perth, Bruce, Grey and Wellington meet.  It is where I was raised, and now live with my family.  


Fill out the form on the contact me page to book a free phone intake consultation​



  • What is a Registered Social Worker?
    A Registered Social Worker is someone who has completed a Bachelor or Masters of Social Degree at an accredited University and has passed the registration process through the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Services Workers (OCSWSSW). The college sets the standards for practice and ethics for college members to follow as a commitment to providing safe and ethical service. Patty Hills completed her Masters of Social Work Program at Wilfried Laurier University in 2022 with an emphasis on working with individuals and groups. Patty Hills is registered social worker that adheres to the College’s Code of Ethics and Practice in order to provide you with safe and ethical therapy. Patty Hills continues to participate in ongoing training in order to provide you with the most effective & well researched treatment.
  • What is the difference between trained and certified EMDR therapists?
    Trained EMDR therapists are Masters Level practitioner who have attended 6 days of Basic Training Session with a EMDRIA certified trainer and have completed the additional 10 hours of consultation. Certified EMDR therapists are certified by Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Association (EMDRIA). They have been practicing EMDR for a minimum of two years, attended additional EMDRIA approved training sessions, completed 20 hours of consultation with certified EMDR consultant, and received a letter from their EMDR consultant for consideration by EMDRIA in the certification process, and was ultimately granted certification by EMDRIA. EMDRIA is a professional association for EMDR practitioners and researchers to seek the highest standards for clinical use of EMDR. Patty Hills attended EMDR Basic Training in 2016 by Kathy Harn and Brynah Schneider in London, ON. Patty Hills also attended Dr. Amanda Bell’s EMDR Basic EMDR training in 2018 when she worked with Dr. Amanda Bell as an associate therapist. Patty Hills achieved her EMDRIA certification in EMDR in 2019.
  • How long have you been a therapist?
    Patty Hills has been a therapist for over 20 years working with children, adolescents, adults, caregivers and families in children's mental health. Patty Hills started her career as group home worker at Pioneer Youth Services. Patty Hills then worked as a child protection worker at Bruce County Children's Aid Society, before returning to school to get her Masters of Social Work Degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. Patty Hills then worked for the Huron-Perth Centre for Children and Youth for 19 years before resigning to pursue private practice full-time. Patty Hills became a social worker because she wanted to learn more about the root causes of mental health distress, and how she can help clients resolve their distress so that they don’t have suffer. Patty Hills clinical foundation are family system, attachment theory, trauma theory and resiliency. Patty Hills has training in Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Circle of Security Parenting, Resiliency, Trauma Informed Care: Regulation in Relationship, The Gottman Method for Couples Therapy.
  • How long has Patty Hills been in private practice?
    Patty Hills opened her private social work practice in a private country setting near Gorrie, ON in 2016. Patty Hills strives to provide a therapeutic space where clients feel welcomed, their lived experience matters, and their innate resiliency in honoured.
  • What is EMDR therapy? Can EMDR help with my distress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, or relationship challenges?
    Many of the clients Patty Hills works with have been impacted by living through negative traumatic life events that have negatively impacted their perception of trust in themselves, their attachment relationships, and the world.  We are all vulnerable to symptoms of Post traumatic Stress Disorder which generally includes symptoms of hyperarousal, or avoidance of things that remind us of the traumatic event. When we are triggered and flip into survival mode it can have a negative impact on being able to do the things we want or need to in our daily lives. It can leave us feeling anxious, depressed, stressed and overwhelmed.  For those who did not receive the gift of secure attachment the impact of trauma can be even more overwhelming. Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is a structured sensory based intervention that can help the brain to process the traumatic memories so that associated distress can be cleared.   EMDR can also help build your confidence that you can manage current day challenges, and create coping plans for managing future worries. EMDR can help you... Learn how to contain intrusive thoughts, emotions and body sensations and self-soothe until you can clear them  Strengthen your positive beliefs about yourself  Learn to tolerate & regulate your emotions Learn to listen to your body & trust your own inner wisdom   Utilize grounding, calming and relaxation strategies so have choice about how to manage your emotional state  Desensitize traumatic memories so they no longer distress you Tap into your own internal strengthens, resources and attributes in managing day-to-day challenges Overcome avoidance and blocks to healing Manage and soothe anxiety and panic  Strengthen healthy coping patterns  Learn skills for strengthening the sense of security you have in your connection with your child Learn skills for strengthening friendship, active listening and managing conflict with your partner Increase your confidence that you can manage work/performance stress Learn more about EMDR at
  • Is EMDR therapy effective?
    EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) is an integrative psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.  Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference much faster.   EMDR uses detailed protocols and procedures, with bilateral movement,  to help the brain to work through and remove the emotional wound caused by trauma so that the client's resiliency can once again thrive.  EMDR is a well research, evidence-based treatment endorsed the American Psychiatric Association, and the World Health Organization as an effective treatment for trauma. For more information about EMDR visit
  • What is an EMDR intensive? How is it different than weekly EMDR sessions?
    Patty Hills also offers half day (4 hours) Intensive EMDR Therapy Sessions for those who prefer to meet their goals even faster or for those who find it easier to book a half day off work rather than attending weekly session. Both EMDR intensives and EMDR weekly sessions are effective, it just comes down to client preference and availability. The cost of a half day intensive is $736.
  • What are your area of specializations?
    Patty Hills works with adults and teens (over the age of 12 years of age) to help them overcome the root cause of their distress so that it doesn’t have to get it the way of things you want to do or need to do to live the life you want to live. Patty Hills specialize in using EMDR for the treatment of single incident trauma, complex trauma, on-going chronic stress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), attachment, anxiety, depression, and performance. Patty Hills is registered social worker & certified EMDR therapist trained in Circle of Security attachment based parenting, Gottman Couples Therapy (essential skills for a strong relationship), family systems, and resiliency.
  • How can you help me with my intrusive thoughts and distress?
    Patty Hills teaches and has clients practices calming techniques for containment, calming, grounding, and mindfulness in preparation for EMDR therapy.
  • How much therapy cost? Is it covered by my benefits plan?
    Patty Hills offers clients a consistent 80 minute reoccurring appointment time at the time of case assignment at the cost of $256. Patty Hills also offers half day Intensive EMDR Sessions at the cost of $736. Patty Hills' services are tax exempt. Payment can be made by e-transfer to, credit card, or cheque.  Once payment is received, Patty Hills will issue you a receipt by email that you can submit to your benefits provider for reimbursement, or to retain for your records for tax filing. Client with prior approval for funding through Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP) or the Dalton Encompas Program (OPP) do no pay out of pocket for their therapy session unless there is a late cancellation. For you to get the most of therapy it is important that you make attending your therapy sessions regularly a priority. Advanced notice of 48 hours is required to cancel or reschedule your session without acquiring a late cancellation charge.
  • How do I request therapy? Does Patty Hills offer a free intake phone consultation?
    Patty Hills offers a free 15 minute intake phone consultation to hear about your therapy goals and for you to learn about her and the services she provides. That way you can make informed choice of whether Patty Hills services are a good fit for you prior to fee-for-service sessions are booked. You can request an intake consultation by filling you the request form in the contact me section of Patty Hills' website, by calling 519-357-8615 or by emailing
  • How long will I be in therapy?
    Therapy is tailored to your unique therapy goals and circumstances. There is no set number of sessions. Outcomes are not guaranteed. However, you can maximize the effectiveness of therapy it is important that you make regularly attend your sessions.
  • What are Patty Hills' office hours?
    Patty Hills offers in person or remote therapy session Mondays - Thursdays 9 am to 5 pm, and Fridays 9 am to noon. Patty Hills does not offer evening or weekend sessions.
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